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Environment Group

Luttons Parish Council has set up a new group of councillors and volunteers to investigate and discuss ways of improving the environment in West Lutton, East Lutton and Helperthorpe.

windmill on grass field during golden hour

Luttons Parish Council has set up a new group of councillors and volunteers to investigate and discuss ways of improving the environment in the villages of West Lutton, East Lutton and Helperthorpe.

So far, we have instigated a strimming programme, put up anti-dog fouling posters designed by children at Luttons school, replanted some of the village planters, planted numerous trees – including one Jubilee Memorial Tree in each of the three villages within the Parish- and planted some of the hundreds of spring bulbs generously donated by Reighton Nurseries. We are currently drawing up a plan for the regular maintenance and replacement of parish assets, such as planters and benches. Indeed, to date we have renewed or replaced four planters and five benches. Our policy is to renew using materials that will not rot or corrode for a very long time so we are using recycled plastic. Our supplier and manufacturer (British Recycled Plastics) does not really know what the lifespan of this material might be – perhaps in excess of 100 years or even longer.

One aspect of our work, which is almost unique to the Wolds Valley, is the maintenance and upkeep of the most northerly chalk watercourse in Britain – the Gypsey Race. Earlier this year we put in to action the start of a four-year cycle to clear the Gypsey Race of a build-up of silt and debris to ensure that the water flows as intended and does not cause localised flooding. We have been greatly assisted in these works with help from North Yorkshire County Council Highways department, and from the households and landowners adjacent to the Gypsey Race in allowing the PC to temporarily undertake their own Riparian responsibilities.

Other projects which have been accomplished by our Environmental Group include: clearance of a couple of footpaths (which previously were almost impassable when wheeling a pushchair) ; clearance of overhanging trees and hedges; and a communal litter pick.

We try to keep the meetings as informal as possible, so if you’ve any ideas, strong opinions, or if you’d just like to plant some flowers, we’d love to hear from you. We are always looking for extra volunteer members and if you think you may be interested please contact Martin Pearce – email:

Did you know that if you’re worried about your recyclable rubbish blowing about on collecting day, you can get a FREE net or lid for each box from Ryedale House [9:00 till 4:00] or ring this number – 01653 600666 and they will deliver to you?


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